Monday 22 February 2016


After almost two years of silence I have finally plucked up the courage to write another blog post. This follows numerous semi-pissed conversations with various 'ex-followers' and several pretty crap drafts. 

The bottom line is, why would I write when I no longer have a story to tell? 

But for the past two years something has been playing on my mind. And it is going to sound ridiculous, because it probably is ridiculous. When I was first diagnosed with HL
I did some inadvisable googling to see what the hell the next 6 months were going to be like. I noticed something...

People were in remission. Lots of them. But then the posts stopped. And rather than assuming, as one would, that they were just too busy/well to blog, I assumed the worst. I realise now what a stupid and irrational thought process this was. And I have, for two years, tried to figure out how to write a post explaining this whilst also reassuring any new cancer diagnosees that I am still alive, without sounding like a total plonker. I failed. 

And on that note, I should probably mention where I'm up to. 

Last September was my 2 year 'chemoversary'. 

I have a job. And hair. I live in London. Dizzy is nearly 3 and still as cute and fluffy as ever. My cancer no longer defines me. I rarely think about it. I have 6 monthly check ups until the 5 year mark. I still worry about the little things. Since being in remission I have had 5 different jobs. And visited more than 14 countries. 

Basically, life is good. 


  1. and your journey has made you stronger and more determined than ever before. Love Auntie

  2. Thank you for this! I’ve been reading blogs over the last hour that do just suddenly stop after treatment and it is a bit disconcerting. I’m so glad that you came out the other side, and hope that all is still well. Thank you for updating 🙂
