Sunday, 21 April 2013

Home Sweet Home

At 4pm on Friday I was finally allowed to go home! I know that I'm slightly dramatising the situation and in reality only spent 3 days and 2 nights in hospital, but that felt like plenty. My temperature went down naturally, although I had joked that if it didn't I would put an ice cube in my ear before the nurse came to take my temperature. By the way the temperature was taken from the ear, I hadn't just turned completely weird. The final needle count on Friday was 4. And the removal of one cannula... so I suppose -1.

Chemo is now on Monday (tomorrow) which means that all of my chemo for the foreseeable future will be pushed forward a week so that it's still every two weeks. This screws up a lot of future plans which were going to be during what I call 'the fit and healthy week' - this is the 2nd week following a chemo (including my 21st birthday, fan-bloody-tastic).

I am aware that I have not mentioned the puppy much in the past few posts. This does NOT mean she has not been on my mind and I am very excited to announce that we will be collecting her a week tomorrow. I can't put into words how excited I am so I won't try as it'll probably read as a load of gobbledygook.

As if being in hospital wasn't traumatic enough my hair decided to take this opportunity to start falling out. Only a few strands at a time, but I suspect it'll be gone within a week or so. The sun appears to be making an appearance more often now too, perhaps summer is finally here. Am I going to be like one of those bald men who have to apply endless suncream to their head to prevent it burning? Or put on my wig and just be a very sweaty version of myself? Only time will tell...

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