Thursday, 11 April 2013

Bald as a coot

The science
Hair loss is one of the things most commonly associated with cancer, but is actually just a result of the chemotherapy. This is because chemotherapy targets and ultimately kills rapidly dividing cells (one of the hallmarks of cancer cells) and hair cells are also rapidly dividing.

The reality
In all honesty the thing that scares me most about this whole process is the hair loss. I know that might seem really shallow/vain but hair loss is the only external clue to what is happening inside my body (apart from my scar which is pretty bloody cool even if I say so myself). Anyway the doctor said hair usually starts falling out roughly 4 weeks after the first treatment, so for me it'll be about 3 weeks.

The way I see it I have a number of choices:

1. Try to rock a bald head Jessie J/Nat Portman style (unlikely unless my face decides to develop cheekbones of some sort within the next few weeks).

2. Wear the wig which I have already bought. It looks real and is definitely nicer than my real hair ever was! I will constantly look like I've had a salon blow dry. But if summer does ever decide to kick in I will have a rather warm head.

3. There are tons of headscarf or hat type things online. I'm not sure how I feel about them because they kind of scream 'I've got cancer' or I'm just a massive hippie. Both of which I'd like to avoid..

any feedback welcome!

1 comment:

  1. Whatever makes you feel most confident Rach, maybe try out the wig as you have it anyway and see how you feel? Either way you'll look beautiful. Umz x
