Following the change to the more specific antibiotic mentioned in my last post, my temperature spiked again and my neutrophil level dropped to an undetectable level. Not good. But having been put back on the previous antibiotic again here is my update...
So it is now Wednesday morning and I've been stuck here in the hospital for a whole week. But I am finally seeing the light at the end of the tunnel due to the miracle that occurred overnight. As I mentioned in my last post, the doctor said my neutrophils must be over 1 in order for me to leave the hospital. Yesterday they were 0.2 so I was not feeling hopeful. However last night I could feel it in my bones that something great was happening. No seriously. My hips and long bones in my legs get achey following a few days of the neutrophil booster jab and last night was particularly bad. This is because my bone marrow had kicked into action to produce tons of White Blood Cells and an INCREDIBLE increase in neutrophils. This mornings blood test read 1.5 for neutrophils!!! Unfortunately I still have to stay an extra 24 hours due to a change in antibiotics, from one which needed to be administered 3 times a day i.v. to one which only needs to be administered once a day i.v. This needs monitoring for 24 hours to ensure I don't spike a temperature. And if that happens I can go home and celebrate Christopher's birthday with him. I am stupidly excited although I must try not to get ahead of myself. I think all of the above made sense but sometimes I forget that all this neutrophil malarky is not general knowledge. So someone do let me know if it isn't clear at all!
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