I've had a great week. Sport has featured heavily, as I've decided that cancer is not an excuse to get unfit/ out of shape. So I've been playing a bit of tennis and have tried yoga and pilates. Yoga is so relaxing that mum fell asleep at the end which was absolutely hilarious for me. And pilates was such hard work that my stomach ached for several days!
My lovely course mates came to visit last week for the day so we went out for a nice pub lunch and then they came to my house and met Dizzy. As usual she was a little rascal (she is getting bigger by the day.. if she keeps growing at this rate she will be a giant!).
Everyone at uni has been getting their results. Obviously this is quite difficult for me as I'd love for everything to have gone smoothly as I would be graduating soon. But I might as well make the most of the extra year I have for revision. No excuse not to smash it out the park! I get the result for my dissertation tomorrow (I think..) Nerve-wracking stuff.
Tomorrow the beautiful Jo G and Jenny J are coming to stay for a couple of days before Chemo Club on Wednesday. Unfortunately the weather forecast isn't great so I'll have to think up some fun things to do which don't involve being outside... not easy when you live in Bucks!
I'm currently reading a book called Before I Go to Sleep by SJ Watson - a really good read. It is basically the film 50 first dates but in book form and with some fairly major differences. For anyone that hasnt seen the film.. it is about a woman who loses her memory of the past 30ish years every time she goes to sleep. She's married so it's all a bit awkward as every morning she wakes up in bed with a man who she assumes to be a one night stand (but is actually her husband of 20+ years). Anyway I would definitely recommend it if you need an easy but gripping book to read.
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