Thursday, 28 March 2013

Blog Post Number 1

The big C word, Cancer, is a very scary word to the majority of people. But at the age of 20, being diagnosed with Hodgkins Lymphoma (cancer of the lymph nodes) did not instil the same emotions as it would have done in most.

I am a final year Human Biology student at the University of Birmingham, and have been offered a place at Queen Marys University of London to study a masters in Cancer Therapeutics. When I started university I often said to people when asked what I wanted to do in the future "I'm going to cure cancer". Having studied cancer in some depth I now know it is nowhere near that simplistic. But I suppose to me, being diagnosed with cancer during my quest against it brings one word to mind - IRONIC.

So this blog is my way of expressing how I'm feeling and what I'm going through from a *slightly knowledgeable, and hopefully a 'glass half full' viewpoint.

*I would like to emphasise the word 'slightly' as obviously I don't know that much, but I will be learning every day

1 comment:

  1. Cancer is dangerous but with proper knowledge and care we can ignore it. Many patients recover from it because of your will-power and proper knowledge. You can also do it, so start reading on cancer. Start from this blog: Lung Cancer Symptoms
