Sunday, 27 April 2014

Stephen's Story

I would like to dedicate this post to a young man who is 1000x times braver than I ever was and has achieved an incredible amount over the course of his illness. I'm sure many of you have heard about Stephen, as he has attracted a lot of media attention over the past few weeks, but for those of you who haven't, take a look at his just giving page and dig deep! (link below)

I can't even imagine how this kid has been battling cancer for 3 years, as I found 6 months of chemo quite enough. The positivity he exuberates is unbelievable and has put a lot in perspective for me and no doubt for many thousands of others as well. So far he has raised over 2.5million pounds for teenage cancer trust by telling his story, and in doing so has broken the justgiving record. Amazing!

Friday, 25 April 2014

The final push

Exam season is upon us and the pre-exam panic has set in. 4 exams in 11 days, with my birthday sandwiched right in the middle is not ideal, however I am going to make the best of a bad situation. I've always been one of those people who doesn't handle exams well and have always under performed as a result. I'll ask myself questions like 'will I forget everything' or 'what if I don't pass'. But I've been learning to check myself when those thoughts creep up on me. At the end of the day... So what?? I'll do my absolute best, and that's all I can do. And regardless of my results I still have 90 days in South America to look forward to!

P.s. I've realised I forgot to write a post a few weeks ago following my most recent pet-ct scan. It was clear!! The utter relief I felt was overwhelming. Finally an exam period devoid of illness and the doors to travelling completely open. Hurrah!